Welcome to Year 3!
Classteachers: Mrs Harris/ Mrs Hatton
Welcome to the Year three class page. You can find out all about our learning and topics by clicking on the curriculum letter links.
Autumn Term 2019 Curriculum Letters
In the event of a bubble closure:
In the event of a bubble closure, we have prepared resources for the children to access whilst at home. These will be made available on Google Classroom should your child have to self-isolate. The children all have their own username and password to access these assignments.
School Sports Day 2021
This year was slightly different, especially without the parents, but the Year 3 and 4 children still had a lovely time at their sports day on Wednesday 30th June. They all took part in their sporting activities with such enthusiasm and showed wonderful encouragement to their peers. We are proud of you all.
Reading- Comprehension
I have posted examples of different types of questions below to ask your child whilst listening to them read at home. Any time at all, no matter how brief, listening to your child read will benefit them greatly. You could try to make it part of their bedtime routine, you could read a page and they could read the next or maybe they could read a story to a younger sibling. Making a weekly trip to the library is a great way to bond whilst also letting your child choose books about topics that currently interest them. Only choose one or two questions to ask and try to make the process fun.
World Book Day
Year 3 all looked amazing on World Book Day. They enjoyed all the fun activities and are still completing the ‘Share a Million Stories’ record. The children are growing in confidence when reading aloud in class. Please continue to encourage your child to read aloud at home for a few minutes every day and ask them inferential questions.
Year 3 School Trip - The Bank of England
St. Teresa's have taken part in a whole school World of Work Week where each year learns about an area related to working life. Year 3 have been learning all about money and budgeting. As part of our World of Work Week, Year 3 went on another school trip to The Bank of England. They had a wonderful tour and even got to touch bars of gold.
Year 3 School Trip - The Tower of London
On Thursday, 31st October, Year 3 went on their school trip to The Tower of London. We had the most fantastic day learning about the history of The Tower and also looking at The Crown Jewels. The children got to have a hands on session where they looked at artefacts from Tudor times, dressed up and discussed what it would be like to live at that time. We explored a medieval place and looked at the ravens that protect The Tower.
New spellings are handed out every Monday and tested on the Friday. A great iPhone/iPad app that you can personalise by typing in their weekly spellings to make practising fun is:
Squeebles Spelling Test
Times Tables
The children should practise their timetables regularly at home in order to progress. At the end of Y3 they must now know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 and 50 times tables. A useful website for practice is Time Tables Rock Stars which our school has bought into. Your child has their own individual login and password to access this.
Learning Links