Welcome to Year 2!
Classteachers: Mrs Hatton & Mrs Harris
Welcome to the Year two class page. You can find out all about our learning and topics by clicking on the curriculum letter link.
DT: A balanced diet:
Year 2 had so much fun this week, designing, making and evaluating their wraps. They did incredibly well choosing, chopping, grating and spreading their ingredients. Well done children!
Year 2 School Trip
On Friday 7th Jun, Year 2 went to Eastbrookend Country Park where we learned all about plants in our environment and habitats. We had the best time and learnt so much thanks to Ranger Jonathon.
KS1 Girls’ Football Festival
The Year 2 girls went to their first ever football festival at the end of January. They learned lots of new skills such as dribbling, shooting and passing the ball. They also got to take part in games with children from lots of other Barking & Dagenham schools. Well done girls!
Scooter Training
This week, Year 2 had scooter training in school with For2Feet. They learned how to travel safely on their scooters along with some road safety on the roads around our school. Have a look at the photos of their day!
Sports Day 2021
The Year 2s had a fantastic day for their sports day last week, taking part in a variety of races and activities. Have a look at some of the photos.
We have been patiently awaiting the birth of our baby stick insects. This morning, Friday 20th March, we had 4 new babies! Congratulations Year 2!
Homework for the week beginning 16th March 2020.
Termly Curriculum Letters
Year 2 2018/2019
Static Electricity Experiments
Year 2 have been working hard to descover whether they can turn their hair electric. The children tested various materials but concluded the balloon would create the most static electricity.
Live and Let Live
Year 2 discovered how animals and plants adapt to their environment/habitat.
The children completed a homework task of creating a habitat shoebox. This was a great success as the children researched a habitat they were interested in and were creative by making everything inside.